The time and date of your delivery will be arranged to suit you.
Before your delivery, we’ll send you a guide that will help your delivery go smoothly. This offers advice on how to prepare for your delivery. How to measure doorways and staircases. And how to choose the best path for the furniture through your home.
Our white glove delivery service is designed to cope with every eventuality. If there are any restrictions on space, or other challenges in your home, which might make your delivery difficult, please let us know. Our team can organise a pre/delivery site visit or a video consultancy to assist with your individual delivery, ensuring things go smoothly on the day.
Once our delivery team arrive, leave it to them to get your furniture in the perfect position. We’ll fit the feet, plump the cushions, and take our packaging away with us for recycling. But before we go, we’ll take the time to answer any questions you have.